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2.3: Colorbars and legends Go back up one level

(The code for this example can be found here: [ view | edit | run ] )

When using layouts to position axes that can also have a colorbar or legend it is very important to group the axes with its colorbar and legend by putting them inside a uicontainer.

The following example illustrates this.

Open a window

Open a new figure window and remove the toolbar and menus.

window = figure( 'Name', 'Axes legend and colorbars', ...
            'MenuBar', 'none', ...
            'Toolbar', 'none', ...
            'NumberTitle', 'off' );

Create the layout

The layout involves two axes side by side. Each axes is placed into a uicontainer so that the legend and colorbar are "grouped" with the axes.

hbox = uix.HBoxFlex('Parent', window, 'Spacing', 3);
axes1 = axes( 'Parent', uicontainer('Parent', hbox) );
axes2 = axes( 'Parent', uicontainer('Parent', hbox) );

Add decorations

Give the first axes a colorbar and the second axes a legend.

surf( axes1, membrane( 1, 15 ) );
colorbar( axes1 );

theta = 0:360; plot( axes2, theta, sind(theta), theta, cosd(theta) ); legend( axes2, 'sin', 'cos', 'Location', 'NorthWestOutside' );

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